Wednesday, June 30, 2010






1. 首先,我要謝謝偉明!謝謝你那天送我的”潮“項鍊,忘了謝謝你 =P 我好愛這件love life T-恤~~ 安,謝謝你~

2. 不知不覺我已經工作了兩個月半了~~今天會發六月的薪金,好期待哦~上個星期我在社團例會給演講時與大家分享我的工作~大夥兒都笑翻了~當然咯,因為我夠幽默嘛 =P 呵呵~ 翻閱手機的圖片,我看見這張照片~有天晚上我隨手拍了一張plaza sentral晚上的走道,原來它是那麼的美麗~ ~~我喜歡這張圖,很有feel~~

3. 昨晚跟同事KK去greenbox唱午夜的KTV~我有免一人頭收費的優惠卷,結賬時我們平分數目,一人只需付費RM 16而已~我們唱的哪一個時段有宵夜自由餐哦,超划算的啦~【普通每人收費RM 28++】我很愛唱K哦~~可惜啊,很多新歌都沒有~greenbox沒有新歌唱~~~~

4. 最後,是我跟乾姐的合照~~乾姐,祝你新婚快樂,要自己保重你的身子~下回等寶寶办滿月我再去到你家吃紅雞蛋^^ 



Thursday, June 17, 2010

Just another ordinary post

I noticed that most of my recent post was in Chinese, so I decided to write this post in English, LOL..

Nowadays my life is packed, I don't say it's pressure, but instead I take it as motivation. This sem I took 3 major paper in Mathematics.. Oh finally, math subject!! This is the main reason why I choose this course. I'm doing fine in my study, so far I can cope with them. My assignments, I need to come out with a teaching plan that incorporate technology in my math education. Well, still working hard on it. For my modern geometrics assignment, WE have to prove theorem by using software. 

Besides study, I'm working at night, 5 hours per day and 6 days per week. It's a challenging job, I first started off with 3 weeks training, then start working. It takes me 2 weeks to adapt to the working environment. Then my new semester commenced, I spent another 2 weeks to adapt to it again. Well, now I'm okay with life of study and working and study at the same time. Trust me, it wasn't really that tough if you make an effort to manage your time. 

My health... Ah.. Not really that good. I was sick since last Thursday night. I took 2 days MC to rest, then back to work though I haven't fully recovered (My job stressed on attendance a lot!!) Well, even until today I'm still not fully recovered.. I guess I need to consult Chinese medicine practitioner instead of doctor. My nose bleeding few days ago and I vomit yesterday night. See? Something wrong with my health, these symptoms appeared to protest and inform me my body is not feeling okay..


Just came back from Oldtown White Coffee, I'm now a bit down.. No reason, simply feel blue and melancholy, that's me.. Today my friends have some misunderstanding, I think I'm the one who cause it. I called up two friends this evening after I saw lot of newspaper.. I recalled of this game where we used to play when are still children in our primary days. It need lot of newspaper and we will rolled it make a big newspaper paper cane and whack each others in the birthday paper.. Who knows this idea make my friend linked to birthday party, which I do not mean it. Well, I'm the one who cause this misunderstanding happened. Sorry guys..

I'm a bit stressed up now.. Today was my off day, I'm like wasting my time and slacking, not doing anything.. I started not feeling well again, oh gosh! What's wrong now?! Sigh... I don't know what to write anymore, as I have a complicated feeling now.. I will stop writing my blog and spent some quality time with myself. 

That's all for today post. Nitez....

Jeff Tang

Sunday, June 06, 2010




傑夫 :(