Thursday, March 18, 2010

Keep fighting!!

This week I told myself, Jefferey stop finding excuse and keep slacking. I attended all the classes for this week. Well, things is out of my expectation. At first I thought lecturer A will not entertain and not even bother to know what is happening, in fact I'm wrong. She give me a second chance, OMG!!

We have a long conservation on that day, I told her exactly what is happening to me. I'm glad that she's there to listen to my problems, and guide me by telling me a lot of stories and theories. Well, I'm now aware of my problem, and found solutions to it. Not really the problem that I first thought, I was controlled by too much negative thinking and distraction. Well, now I now that my choice is correct. Not only that, that to my lecturer, I'm now once again alive, with a clear goals and objectives in my life. Thanks you, my lecturer A.

Okay, let talk about my lecturer B. Initially I thought she going to forgive me and wanted to know what's happening. Surprisingly, no. She even pretend not knowing me, I'm really shocked and disappointed when she act that way. My heart told me, yes, you should go and look for her and apologize to her. At last I almost give up due to some reasons, luckily I didn't. Well, she accepted my apologize and willing to give me a second chance. OMG! I know I don't deserve for second chance, but I'm really lucky cuz both of them gave me a second chance.

I promise myself, Jefferey you can do it. You are so so lucky to have so many chances, sometime chance just come once in your life. Once you let it go, there it will no, you lost it forever and most probably there won't be any second chance again. I learnt a great lesson this week from both of my lecturers. Thank you!

回到这星期生活,星期二补考一科,虽然不是很好,但是我尽力了,这总比之前逃避来的好。星期三与我表妹一同出去走走一整天,蛮开心的,因为我们不断地吃,还有我看了爱丽丝的梦幻世界,超棒!今天我差一点又重蹈覆彻,幸好及时清醒。努力几小时后,便去应战,好像还可以似的,希望不会太差吧。。今天叫了一份assignment,还有一份是明天要交的,还没开始。天啊!今天要赶通宵了。很累咯,明天还要去学校讨论group assignment,这只是开始而已。下个星期及后个星期还有很多小考及assignment等我完成。再多一个月,期总考就到了。现在我已经没时间去想了,心中只能专注两个字,那就是“冲啊!!!!”

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