Dear lhshan,
Thanks for your x'mas present!!
I appreciate the small notebook so much and
I will soon get you a gift too..
Merry Christmas~
乌鸦是一种常见鸟类。因为它全身乌黑,叫声嘶哑难听,而且常常成群结队地边飞边叫,所以从古时候起人们就认为乌鸦叫是不祥之兆。自认为,人们对乌鸦一贯的看法是片面的,不准确的。根据科学家的研究发现,其实乌鸦和其他的鸟并没有什么不同,也并不意味着不极力。从某种程度上说, 乌鸦还可以说是一种益鸟。乌鸦虽是杂食动物,对农业有危害,但它也吃一些耕地上的害虫,对农业也有一定的益处。
从某种意义上讲,乌鸦能嗅出死亡或腐败的气味,并由此预言一个人的死,却不能预知人类的恶毒和诡计多端,以及这种恶毒和诡计多端所散发出的死亡或腐败的气息。在中国人心目中,乌鸦是不吉祥的动物,是报凶信的使者。如果某户人家将有灾祸,乌鸦便会栖息在门前的树上;如果某个朝代即将灭亡,乌鸦便会群集于华表之上———聒噪。相信科学的现代人认为,这是迷信,然而,真正迷信的永远是人,而不是动物。乌鸦只不过具有某种“特异功能”而已。 我们对乌鸦的误解实在由来已久。可是在临国日本,神社密密的林子里,栖息着众多的乌鸦,早上呱呱地叫着,掠过天空,自由觅食,它们与神为邻,可谓神鸦。其实,将乌鸦视为神鸦在中国古代大有人在,宋人孙光宪就曾在一首《竹枝词》中写道:“商女经过江俗暮,散抛残食饲神鸦。”而近年来出土汉简上的一篇俗赋,名字就叫《神乌赋》。樱花之国的风俗,或许就来自中国。
--------------------------------------------------------P/S: 我覺得烏鴉並不會不吉祥,至少小烏鴉長大後會照顧年長的烏鴉;相比之下,人類呢?有幾個真的會照顧父母,不嫌棄他們,愛惜他們,就如同你小時候他們那樣的愛惜你?好好想想吧~~
These are just some stories for Year 2010... |
CHICKEN BUFFET I will never forget the wonderful CSP training with all my friends Viva Forever to all 14Apr'10 CSP |
BEST BROTHER Thanks to my "wife", lolx.. We have a lot of wonderful memories together. I'm looking forward to see you soon =) |
L4D FANTASY Hey people, how are you guys? Almost going to be one year since we last met. Hope you guys are doing great! BTW, this pic didn't have CHUAN.. |
CC MANUAL Finally I have my speech #5, Your Body Speaks.. Thanks to my mentor, Shan and Jess for their encouragements, I'm now entitle for Half CC Award, haha.. |
HALLOWEEN JOINT MEETING One of the best meeting, we are having so much fun!! Looking forward to clubbing with my fellow toasties! =) |
YIT FANG CONVO Hey, I first thought I can't make it cuz I wake up late. Luckily you are still there.. Congratz on your graduation! |
MY "ANOTHER" WIFE We are having so much great moments together. Glad to have you as one of my closest friend =) |
NIKE CITY RUN I can't believe my first race is illegal run with my run mates. Thanks to Wooi for fetching to the race, and also all the others run mates that willing to share running tips with me |
OUTING WITH SAN Finally we have chance to hang out together. It's fun to go out with you, LOL.. Cheers for our friendship =) |
BEST PHOTO I like this photo so much as I personally think the picture is nicely shoot Hehe.. |